Building Strength as an Older Adult

As we age, it’s natural for our bodies to lose muscle mass and strength. This can lead to a decreased ability to perform everyday tasks, a higher risk of injury, and a reduced overall quality of life. However, it’s never too late to start building strength and improving your overall physical health.

Building strength as an older adult requires a combination of strength training exercises and proper nutrition. Here are some tips on how to build strength safely and effectively no matter how old you are.

Consult with a Healthcare Professional

Before starting any exercise program, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or concerns. They can help design a safe and effective exercise program tailored to your specific needs and abilities.

Many older people find that one of the best ways to build strength and improve their health and fitness as they age is to move into an assisted living facility like this one in Marshfield, Wisconsin. In an assisted living community, you don’t just get access to health care; you’ll also get a chance to enjoy exercise clubs and groups, opportunities to spend more time outdoors exercising, and a chance to make friends to enjoy exercise with.

Start with Low-Impact Exercises

As you age, your joints and bones may be more susceptible to injury. To reduce your risk of injury, start with low-impact exercises, such as walking, cycling, and swimming. When you practice strength training, start with very light weights, and build up gradually.

Incorporate Building Strength Training Exercises

Strength training exercises, such as weightlifting and resistance training, are essential for building strength. These exercises can be done using free weights, but also with bodyweight exercises.

Include Balance and Flexibility Exercises

In addition to strength training exercises, it’s important to include balance and flexibility exercises in your workout routine. These exercises can help improve balance and reduce the risk of falls. Examples of balance and flexibility exercises include tai chi, yoga, and Pilates.

Eat a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet should include plenty of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Protein is particularly important for building muscle mass. It’s also important to remember that you’ll need to drink more water to avoid dehydration, even when you are only adding very light exercise to your routine.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for muscle recovery and growth. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.


Building strength takes time and consistency at any time in life. Stick to your workout routine and make sure to challenge yourself as you become stronger. Of course, in later life, it’s easier to get injured, you might become ill more frequently, and there are bound to be breaksin your routine. But stick to it as much as you can, even if need to make some alterations, for the best results.

Building strength as an older adult is a highly beneficial and achievable goal. With the right approach, older adults can safely and effectively build muscle mass and strength, improving their overall physical and mental health, and increasing their ability to perform everyday tasks.