How to Safely Floss Around a Crown without Causing Damage

Are you one of the millions of people who have a crown in their mouth? If so, then you know how important it is to take good care of them. Crowns can last for years with proper care, but neglecting your oral hygiene can lead to costly repairs or even replacement. One crucial aspect of maintaining crowns is flossing, but many people worry that they will damage their crowns while doing so. So sit back, relax and let’s dive into the world of crown flossing!

What is the best way to floss around a crown?

Flossing is essential to maintain healthy teeth and gums, but when you have a crown, flossing can feel like a daunting task. However, it’s crucial to keep your crown clean by removing plaque and food particles that may accumulate around it.

But can flossing loosen a crown? The best way to floss around a crown is by using unwaxed dental floss or special floss designed for crowns. Start by pulling off about 18 inches of floss and wrapping it around your fingers on both hands, leaving about two inches between them.

Slide the floss gently between the teeth until you reach the gum line. Then wrap the floss in a C-shape around one tooth and slide it up and down while being careful not to snap or tug at the crown. Repeat this process with each tooth.

If you’re finding it difficult to maneuver around your crown with traditional stringed-floss, consider using an interdentally brush or water pick instead. These tools are designed specifically for hard-to-reach areas such as those surrounding crowns.

How often should I floss around a crown?

When it comes to flossing around a crown, frequency is key. It’s recommended that you floss at least once a day, but those with dental crowns should consider doing so twice a day.

Failing to properly floss can lead to plaque buildup and gum disease, which can ultimately result in the loss of your crown. This is why it’s important to be diligent about daily oral care.

When flossing around your crown, make sure you’re using gentle pressure and sliding the floss gently up and down each side of the tooth. Be careful not to snap or pull too hard on the floss as this may damage both your crown and surrounding teeth.

How to soak dentures in at night

Soaking your dentures in at night is an important part of their care. But what should i soak my dentures in at night? Here’s how to do it properly:

1. Start by carefully removing your dentures from your mouth.
2. Rinse them thoroughly with warm water to remove any food particles or debris.
3. Choose a container that is large enough to hold both dentures comfortably and fill it with clean, cool water.
4. Add a denture cleaning tablet or solution to the water as directed on the packaging.
5. Gently place your dentures into the container, making sure they are completely submerged in the water and not touching each other.
6. Leave them to soak for the recommended time – usually around 20 minutes.


Flossing around a crown can be done safely and effectively with the right technique. It is important to use gentle pressure and avoid pulling too hard or forcing the floss between the teeth. By following these tips and maintaining good oral hygiene habits, you can keep your crown in excellent condition for years to come.