8 Tips for Decluttering Before a Big Move

Are you about to move? We all know moving is a pain. It’s tough to deal with more items than you can handle. But don’t worry; this article will give you easy-to-follow tips for decluttering your space so moving won’t be a back-breaking experience. Nowadays, many people are downsizing to save money, and they prefer simple places to take care of.

Getting rid of things you don’t need is essential. Having fewer things to pack and move helps keep costs down. Plus, it sets you up for a fresh start in your new place where you can be organized. This guide has practical steps to help you go through your belongings, decide what’s needed, and reduce the load from there. Follow along for handy advice on how to cut down your belongings for an easier move.

1. Start Early: The Timeliness of Decluttering

Starting early is crucial when it comes to the decluttering process. Aim to start at least six weeks before your moving date. Create a plan with each week leading up to the day that shows which areas of your living space you’ll focus on first, second, third, and so on. Whether it’s closet, kitchen, or storage spaces, dedicate time every day to sort through things in that area. This systematic approach prevents last-minute chaos and gives you ample time to decide what to keep, sell, or donate. An early start gives you the advantage of handling unexpected delays and reduces the stress of moving days. Stick to the schedule for a smooth transition.

2. Storage Solutions: Keeping What Matters

When you’re moving, especially in bustling areas like Hattiesburg, Mississippi, you’ll find that only some of the things you own need to occupy precious space in your new home immediately. This realization is where considering local storage solutions can be incredibly beneficial. Renting the best storage units Hattiesburg MS offers is a flexible option for those items that are important but not immediately necessary.

When moving to a new home, storage units can be a huge help. They save you the trouble of trying to figure out where to put things when you settle in and just let you secure your personal belongings. Acting as either a temporary or permanent solution, they provide a safe way to store items while you figure out how to organize your new living space.

Another positive aspect of these units is cost-effectiveness. It helps limit clutter in your new home and saves money on moving costs since there will be fewer things to transport. Additionally, it buys you time, so you won’t have to rush into deciding what to do with them right away. With the convenience of local storage units, all your cherished belongings are accessible whenever.

3. Keep It Or Leave It?

Sort out all your items into four sections: keep, sell, donate, or toss. To do this efficiently, tackle one room at a time and label each item with stickers or tags. For things you’re unsure about, think about its usefulness, how much it’s worth, and if it has any emotional significance for you. Keep items you regularly use or that hold deep personal meaning. Sell possessions that are valuable but no longer needed. Online marketplaces or garage sales are ideal for this. Donate items that are still in good condition but aren’t sellable – local charities or thrift stores usually accept such donations. Toss items that are broken or worn out. Ensure you dispose of unwanted items responsibly, recycling where possible, or using community waste services.

4. The One-Year Rule for Unused Items

Adopt the one-year rule: if you last used an item in the past year, you likely won’t need it. It’s easy to hang onto things ‘just in case,’ but this mindset leads to unnecessary clutter. Assess each item honestly. Haven’t worn that jacket or used that kitchen gadget in over twelve months? It’s time to let go. Selling, donating, or recycling these items can be empowering, making your move lighter and your life simpler.

5. Digitalize to Minimize

Digitizing is a game-changer for decluttering. Scan documents, bills, receipts, and photographs to store them digitally. It reduces physical clutter significantly. Invest in a good scanner or use a scanning app on your smartphone. Back up digital copies on an external hard drive or cloud service for added security. By converting your paper trail and photo albums into digital files, you’ll have fewer boxes to pack and less to worry about during your move. Plus, digital files are easier to sort and search through than piles of paper.

6. Visualize Your New Space

Imagine your future home’s layout. Assess the storage available. Will your large couch fit? Do you need all your kitchen gadgets? Picturing your belongings in the new space can clarify what won’t belong. This mental exercise is crucial in deciding what to keep. If it doesn’t fit the vision or space, it’s time to let it go. This step ensures you only move items that will serve a purpose in your new home.

7. Tackle the Hidden Areas: Storage Spaces and Garages

Start with your storage areas. Pull everything out. Create zones for keep, sell, and donate. Be ruthless with items stored ‘just in case.’ If it’s been untouched for a year, it’s likely not needed. Check for tools, old sports equipment, and forgotten boxes. These items often have resale value. Donate what you can’t sell. This process not only clears space but could offer extra cash for the move. Don’t forget to organize the keepers in a way that will make moving and unpacking easier.

8. Packing Smart: The Decluttering Continues

Think of packing as the last round of decluttering. Each item you put in a box should be worth taking space and effort to move. Use clear bins for essentials andeverything. You’re not just packing your things; you’re filtering what’s most important in your life. Do this step to make it easier to settle into your new home. You want more simplicity, so be ruthless when choosing what to pack and donate.


There’s more to decluttering before a move than just cleaning up a bit. It can help save a lot of time and money. As you sort through everything, try selling or donating as much as possible. This process is about making your life easier, not harder. Can you imagine opening the door to a home where you can breathe? And then, looking around only to find things that serve a purpose? That’s the power of decluttering.